Friday 21 August 2020

Sick sentences

Here is the sick sentence I am going to make healthy 😁 

The Jedi landed on the runway. There were lots of Stormtroopers. There were lots of aircraft.

As the young Jedi approached the runway he nervously took in the sea of Stormtroopers below him. He would have to navigate his way carefully to find a safe place to land while avoiding both the stormtroopers and other aircraft in the area. 

1 comment:

  1. Morena, Floyd.

    Thank you for sharing your learning with us on your blog. I really like the added detail you have included to make the sick sentences healthy.
    I especially like the first sentence where you describe lots of Stormtroopers as 'a sea of Stormtroopers'. It really implies that their numbers are immense. Tino pai!


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